Kamo’s Korner - Kristmas Special Edition
Well what a big off season it’s been for all things GP Midget related with teams busily writing those last minute letters to Santa. Power plants have been changed, chassis have been chopped and sticky taped back together all with a quick spray with fiddly bits to tart them up.
Travis has been that busy getting all those chassis built that he left the tap running and it’s flooded half of Victoria. It’s solely his fault there has been no racing this side of Christmas and in some cases he has ruined Christmas for many.
Our dear friend Ron Fowler is stressed, not only because he can’t go fishing due to the floods, but he’s got a son who won’t drive the way he wants and a car that doesn’t like to be driven the way his son wants to drive it. Watch this space!
The re-vamped Wards have got rid of the bang box due to suspension related issues and went and got a bang bus. New paint scheme working well as they flew the Victorian flag proudly shooting up to Goulburn and getting themselves an early Christmas present with Shawn now Mr NSW1 and Jack Mr NSW3. Molly has been disciplined by the club after running her own communicator on the hill as a spotter, giving Shawn and Jack the edge to swarm the podium.
Daniel and Wendy took our dear acquaintance Mower to the states to find love. Things were all hunky dory till the speedway pheromones got the better of them and it was like a moth to a light. They met with a gun up and comer Joe Smith, who has promised to fly in and run a few shows this year. On returning, Daniel finally started selling and moving some of their speedway collection rumour has it they might be on an upcoming episode of American pickers.
Blackeby has been playing nurse for months after Ann went and got a minor tune up at the hospital only to pick up an infection and in typical GP fashion, anything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. But good news is that she’s back on the mend.
Alex Myers has been helping his family sandbagging, this time not in a race car but the family abode which looked something like Noah’s ark. Dennis was inducted into the ‘Shepparton floods swimming club’ hall of fame as he was unbeaten on the Main Street freestyle course, spies tell me Jase has put a truck load of hours in on the car and another one to watch this season.
Paul Perry and David Bacon have been seen on the country bakery circuit in search of the best cream puffs and vanilla slices, their findings will be published soon.
Tez can’t sit still and got himself a compact to tinker with, due to the floods he has been cut off and my spies have been unable to retrieve any further information, but from drone footage there is action happening. While he’s been busy doing that, Loz needed supplies from the shop and ended up starting her own business, so if you’re looking for that last minute Christmas gift why not get your loved ones a voucher from Brown’s Hot Air Ballooning.
This now leaves me to the Maltese terrier. After heading up to the boondocks (Moruya) for a spin and some good old fashioned country hospitality. Mr Speedcar drifter himself thought, “I got an idea”. Apparently these speedcar things just get thrown together easy, so do the wheel spacers. Just watch the look on Marks face when Mr Papa gets even.
Usual unorganised chaos at my end, but with Avalon round the corner I’ve teamed up with Jim Phillips and we will have a side trophy for the worst overall performance. This will be awarded with the inaugural weekend at Jim’s trophy.
Hope you all eat too much turkey and drink too much egg nogg, Merry Christmas.
Till next time
